Andy and Erin Ott

The Fatted Calf Welcomes the Ott Family

Andy and Erin Ott and their children, Sierra, Malaya, Clayton and Aria

Andy and Erin Ott and their children, Sierra, Malaya, Clayton and Aria

Andy and Erin Ott are the newest HarvestCall missionaries to join the team of The Fatted Calf. Currently, much of Andy’s responsibilities and time is devoted to Productos Cárnicos la Misión (PCLM), the parent company of Carnísimo, Rancho Agua Viva, and Carnísimo Burgers.

Andy and Erin and their 4 children, from Congerville, IL, felt the call to missions and softening of their hearts towards caring for orphans before and after the birth of their 4th child. Erin states, “We both felt strongly that God was calling us to give up our "normal" lives in the States and invest in the lives of the children of CVE.” After spending almost 2 years with Harvest Call preparing to enter the mission field and 8 months in language school, the Ott's moved to serve in the mission in Magdalena, MX where they split their time serving at Casa Vida y Esperanza and PCLM.

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Carnísimo, Carnísimo Burgers

Carnísimo, Carnísimo Burgers

As opportunities arose, Andy began devoting more of his time with PCLM. He is assisting Jonathan Aupperle with operations at the restaurant, transitioning into management at the ranch, and is exploring options at Carnísimo. Andy is motivated and excited to work in business as missions because he enjoys working alongside the employees, getting to know them, and learning about all aspects of the mission in Magdalena. Using his expertise in small business management and his desire to work in missions, he is an asset to TFC. He is prayerful that he can “be a light in his interactions with those that he works and deals with daily”.

As the Ott’s acclimate to their new roles and surroundings, they ask for prayers for their for their language deficit to shrink, for their children as they adapt to life in Mexico and school (which has been difficult for some of them), and that their kids would not be secondary to the calling they’ve been given.

The scripture from Philippians 2:13, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” has been meaningful to Andy and Erin as they were called by God, sent by their home congregation, and received into God’s work in Mexico.

Welcome and God’s blessings to the Ott family as they serve with TFC/PCLM!

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
— Isaiah 55:11