The Fatted Calf - A Ministry of HarvestCall

A message from The Fatted Calf Board of Directors…

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Beginning in the summer of 2018, The Fatted Calf board began considering some long-term goals and strategic planning items, including how best to continue the vision and mission that inspired Duane & Ann Wulf to begin this journey in 2009, more than 10 years ago.  At that time, although there were no immediate plans for the Wulf’s to take a less active role in the day-to-day operations, the board wanted to consider the future of The Fatted Calf given the possibility at some point in the future there would be staff changes.  Another consideration we discussed was the support and continuity of staffing, both from a missionary standpoint and also to fulfill our desire to see God raise up individuals in Mexico that could maintain and expand the programs sustained by the very generous support of our donors.

Several meetings ensued over the course of the months, including a key discussion in November of 2018 in which we learned about a possible framework to integrate The Fatted Calf into Apostolic Christian HarvestCall as a "business as mission" model.  We prayerfully continued the dialogue for a period of time and investigated what it would mean for The Fatted Calf to come into and operate under the HarvestCall umbrella.  As part of the process, we conducted a survey of the board members and stakeholders to incorporate feedback of our desires and goals for the organization into an updated statement of our purpose, vision, mission, and guiding principles that is in complete alignment with HarvestCall. 

We also wanted to ensure that we can continue the vital successful programs that have been the cornerstone of our efforts in Mexico to glorify and obey God by providing training and career development to the fatherless and less-privileged of Mexico.


Additionally, we confirmed our ability to communicate directly with supporters via the various means that we have used over the years, including blog posts, social media, and our annual newsletter. All of these efforts together culminated in the acceptance by the HarvestCall board of directors in July of 2020 of a proposal to integrate The Fatted Calf as a ministry of HarvestCall.

The Fatted Calf will continue to operate in much the same fashion as previously, sponsoring and supporting Expo Esperanza, The Fatted Calf Scholarship, and Summer Internship Program, and continuing the work of the Mexican for-profit business, Productos Cárnicos la Misión, to operate the meat business, restaurant, and cattle ranch. 

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The Fatted Calf will be represented on the Mexico Regional Committee of HarvestCall, and our missionaries will be sent by HarvestCall and supported through the HarvestCall Servant Fund.  As in the past, financial support can be made directly to The Fatted Calf through The Fatted Calf website and various publications, as well through HarvestCall, and your much-needed prayer support can continue just like you have always done!

Concurrent with these discussions, the stage of life and current needs of the family of Duane and Ann Wulf necessitated them moving back to the USA. Specifically, the Wulfs had three sons transitioning out of the home that would benefit from their parents' presence and support. Thankfully, Duane was able to secure a faculty position at the University of Arizona in Tucson, allowing the Wulfs the proximity to stay involved as needed in The Fatted Calf's mission in Mexico.  As a board, we are very thankful for the timing of this opportunity in conjunction with our discussions for ensuring the future of The Fatted Calf, and for the confidence that Duane & Ann can have that the efforts and legacy of The Fatted Calf team will continue through the years to come and bring glory to God.

We have been humbled to witness God's perfect timing through all of this and appreciate very much the support of our financial and prayer benefactors before, during, and beyond this integration.

Respectfully submitted by The Fatted Calf Board of Directors: Jeff Steiner, chair, Brandi Alstaetter, Pau Aquino, Jon Blomgren, Jake Leman, and Todd Stoller

As a board, we are very thankful for the timing of this opportunity
in conjunction with our discussions for ensuring the future of
The Fatted Calf, and for the confidence that Duane & Ann can have
that the efforts and legacy of The Fatted Calf team will continue
through the years to come and bring glory to God.
— The Fatted Calf Board of Directors