As the ministry outreach of The Fatted Calf continues, HarvestCall is seeking people to serve as missionaries in Magdalena, MX.
Business Discipleship
To proclaim Christ and serve others through the avenue of community interaction, using the business marketplace as the primary vehicle of ministry. Discipleship through relationships with other employees and the community.
To learn more on this rewarding opportunity in business-as-missions, go to:
youth training coordinator
To proclaim Christ and serve others through the avenue of community interaction, using agricultural education as the primary vehicle of ministry. This role will be responsible for leading EXPO Esperanza and the Fatted Calf Intern program.
For more information, go to:
product development
During the Lenten season this past February and March, Carnisimo Burgers temporarily added a fish sandwich to the menu. As a result of a favorable response to this alternative menu item and because of requests from several customers, Carnisimo Burgers is considering adding a chicken sandwich to the menu. It is currently in the product development stage while various breading options and cooking methods are being tested but it looks promising to have it on the menu by sometime in May.
Interns hired and Expo 2021 planning underway
As we still live in times of Covid restrictions and transitions, The Fatted Calf’s process for hiring summer interns faced a unique dynamic for the coming summer program. Feeling blessed that students already living in Mexico took interest in the internships available, two individuals have been selected as the 2021 Fatted Calf Interns. These Interns will be teaching classes and helping the participants with Expo projects, serve as mentors throughout the summer as they gain leadership experience and will be utilized by PCLM to coordinate posts on Facebook and Instagram to increase social media exposure. Additionally, the Expo Planning Committee has met to begin plans for the Expo Event and summer classes. More information on the summer program will follow in next month’s blog.
Praise and Prayer
Praise God for the opportunity to mentor young adults in the work place, both in their spiritual life and as they learn new technical and life skills as a part of their job. Pray for patience in all interactions between the supervisors and employees as they learn how to run equipment, make excellent products and prioritize outstanding customer service.
Another big praise (that also required a lot of patience!) is for a working vacuum packager at Carnisimo. For years, the vacuum packager has not worked properly and has hindered productivity and efficiency. Thanks to the right parts, mechanically inclined personnel, and trial and error, the vacuum packager is fixed and running smoothly!
Harvestcall Focus on deeds of Compassion
Each ministry supported through HarvestCall is asked to submit a post for their social media communications. Many of these general themes initiate some reflection and result in acknowledging the wonderful work that God has done!
This month’s theme is Deeds of Compassion.
Compassion modeled at Expo Esperanza
A disappointing barrel run, a missed note, a flopped cake entry. These are all things that can happen at Expo Esperanza that leave the participants feeling like they have not achieved the goal or purple ribbon that they worked so hard to acccomplish during the summer. Compassion demonstrated by summer interns, parents, and fellow participants can help heal the wound of feeling like they failed. Having these experiences as youth builds on life skills that can grow into more emotionally healthy adults.